"Wentworth 2 was an amazing experience, and I feel privileged to have participated in it. I learned a lot about myself and what drives my behaviours and as a result I am now equipped to manage those behaviours in a constructive way. I have changed - I am more content at home and socially. I am more honest with myself and others and I am more productive at work. Wentworth 2 has changed my life.
"It has given me a connection with myself and others that I did not think possible. To try and put into words how much I got out of the course is nearly impossible, but to put it simply there is not a part of my life that Wentworth hasn’t touched and made richer.”
"Wentworth 2 has been a life changing experience. It has provided me with a new level of self-awareness and helped me to understand my behaviours, how they have shaped me and how they are helping or hindering me now. A wonderful experience that will remain with me forever.”
“I have never been on a course before that takes such a holistic approach of honouring body, emotions, mind and spirit and kick-starting the process of reconnecting all four to realise our fuller potential as against the one-dimensional mind universe that so many of us operate in this modern world. It was challenging, highly participative, took me outside my comfort zone (most of the time!), confusing (in a good way), weird, wonderful, powerful, humbling, emotional, rewarding. It gave me time out to focus on me and it is the best thing that I have ever done from a development perspective. I am incredibly grateful to have been given the opportunity to take part in such a tremendous experience and if I had my way, it would be mandatory to all.”
"When I read the website pitch for Wentworth 2 I was particularly struck by the promise that this course would make me happier: a strange and bold commitment, I thought, for a corporate leadership development programme! But funnily enough that’s exactly what’s happened. Before Wentworth 2 I would have told you I was quite self-aware, and particularly after Wentworth 1. I probably was conscious of how I came across to other people: What was missing was an honest appreciation of what was going on inside my head, and what a whole lot of energy I was wasting as a result. To an outside perspective I haven’t changed much: it’s not been about radical life-changing decisions, but simply feeling much more peaceful, and understanding what winds me up an why, and having more stamina to get on and enjoy life and work.”
“The Wentworth experience, especially Wentworth 2, has indelibly changed my perspective of myself and others. I am far more emotionally aware and understand my own feelings and actions at a level I never knew was possible. This awareness has been invaluable in dealing with some issues in my personal life and will be a tremendous help in my professional career moving forward. The bottom line is that I see the world with new eyes – I am more awake and do not want to go back to sleep.”
“Where to start? It was a true gift from my HR Manager. Without doubt the single best personal development course that I have ever been on. Wentworth 2 has given me the skills to understand the real me and what can hold me back from recognizing my true potential. My eyes were opened up to a world of possibilities beyond my previous experience. The start of a journey ….. Thank you.”
“Wentworth has made me so much more aware of the things that affect my life. It’s helped me understand how they drive my behaviour and how that affects those around me. I’ve learned that by acknowledging my weaknesses they can become strengths. Best of all I have the tools to understand, manage and improve myself and my relationships with the people and the environment that surround me. At the end of Wentworth 2 I feel I’ve climbed a mountain; it wasn’t easy, but from up here I see the ways ahead much more clearly. Life’s a journey and I know that the rest of mine will be more rewarding following my Wentworth experience. It really is all about me and it’s great to say that knowing that I’m not being selfish.”
"Wentworth 2 is about learning to be happy from the inside. In order to arrive there you must embark on a journey into your self. The journey makes you realise how you can restrain yourself in living life to its full potential and make you realise how much more happiness there is to be gained. It is challenging and scary sometimes, as it puts you outside the boundaries of your comfort zones. The journey can be long and endless, but at the same time the answers can be very close and obvious. This journey starts at Wentworth 2.”
“It is amazing to learn from Wentworth 2 that I had been living a half life with half of me, especially since my early teenage years. The amazing things that happened in the two weeks woke me up to reclaim my full self. What is even more fantastic is that I learned how to bring the energy back to me when it gets weaker, so the benefit can last forever. So now it is entirely up to me if I choose to live a FULL LIFE each day!”“I used to walk through life thinking that I was complete, with the emphasis on mind and body only. How blind I was. Wentworth woke me up and gave me new tools. I am now feeling the emotions within and the spirituality craving to be released. I am now a whole person; my mind, body, emotion and spirituality play co-ordinated parts in my journey. Thank you Wentworth.”
"Wentworth 2 is like a box of tools, to help you out with what you’ve got! Tools to scratch the surface of your mind, and lights to illuminate the dark recesses, and understanding to help make sense of what is found. And it’s profound!!”
“This is one of the most exciting experiences in life, just after sex and Ferrari. If you want to become who you are, just go on Wentworth 2.”
The last comment was from an Italian (male)! At least one third of participants on most Wentworth 2 courses come from outside the UK.
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