Because you can’t really change an organisation without changing culture.
Most organisations that use us for organisation development have over time lost some of their competitiveness, and realise they need to wake up and do something different – creating a new culture.
They might need to:-
Virtually every organisation that has brought about radical change has also changed its culture (by evolution or revolution). Similarly, every business that has broken into a market with high entry barriers has also brought with it a distinctly different culture. Also, mergers and acquisitions often flounder because they have not created a culture for the new circumstances.
Common strategies like cost cutting will have an impact but won’t necessarily create culture change. Nor will vision, mission and values “statements” have much effect if they end up being pretty words.
Words are not enough to change culture, you need to change people’s attitudes and behaviour. We think we’re good at that.
Most importantly, we use our experience to be honest with you. We will readily tell you if we don’t think your plans will work, or if the time is not right, or if we don’t think we can provide good value for you. That approach may lose us business in the short term, but we gain in the long term.
The key elements of our approach are:-