Quick links: Course dates - Prices
After the course, participants can expect to be better leaders, because they will be:-
(They may also have unlocked a part of themselves that they never knew existed).
We use a wide variety of activities to generate learning opportunities. They are participative, challenging, and unusual.
The methods fall into two categories, working simultaneously over the duration of the course:-
Our approach to advanced leadership and personal development is quite consciously holistic. We work on all aspects – mind, emotion, body and spirit.
We work mostly indoors, but have several significant periods of outdoor activity. We limit the numbers to a maximum of 10 participants per course.
The course is designed for people who have the potential and the desire to develop further.
ORGANISATIONS tend to sponsor:-
INDIVIDUALS also push to get themselves on the course:-
For a list of typical feedback comments click here
The current price per module is £3,350 (course fee) plus accommodation (£915) plus VAT.
TOTAL: £8,530 plus VAT
Keep a look out for confirmed dates on website and/or contact us to register your interest.